Note: The lecture and practice documents are on ILIAS
This lecture is in german
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Content of the lecture
1 Introduction
- What is digital signal processing?
- Analog to digital converter
- Digital to analog converter
- Basics of signals and systems
2nd z transformation
- Two-sided z-transformation and convergence domain
- Properties of the z-transformation
- Rational z-transformation
- Transmission function of LTI systems
- Inverse z transformation
- Unilateral z transformation
- Comparison to the Fourier transformation
3. Digital filters
- Ideal filters
- Methods for filter design
- Low pass filter
- High Pass Filter
- Bandpass filter
- notch filter
- comb filter
- Digital oscillators
- Linear phase FIR filter
- All-pass filter
- Minimal phase filters
4. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
- Sampling in the frequency domain
- Discrete Fourier Transformation
- DFT as a matrix-vector multiplication
- Properties of the DFT
- Linear and circular folding
- Fast Fourier Transformation
- Fast folding
5. Spectral analysis
- Window effect and frequency grid
- Spectral analysis of stationary deterministic signals
- Spectral analysis of stationary stochastic signals
- Spectral analysis of transient signals
6. Correlation
- Correlation and covariance
- Cross-correlation and cross-covariance function
- Autocorrelation and autocovariance function
7. Beamforming