Lena Lehmann


Former research assistant

Phone              0049 711 685-67352

Room                2.252

E-Mail                Link


Adress              Universität Stuttgart
                         Pfaffenwaldring 47
                         70550 Stuttgart


Surface Electromyography Decomposition

Muscle tissue is functionally divided into motor units, each consisting of an alpha-motoneuron and associated muscle fibers. However, during surface Electromyography (sEMG) measurements only the overall electrical activity of muscles is measurable superimposing the contributions of active motor units. The objective of this research project is to improve the performance of existing sEMG decomposition algorithms by developing novel algorithms using synthetic and experimental data.

Master/Research theses are possible in the application of neural networks to EMG decomposition. Please contact me for an introductory meeting with your transcript of records and a list of your practical projects if you have a profound understanding of neural networks, previous experience with Python and interest in the neuromuscular system.

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