
Prices of employees or students of the ISS

Here you will find an overview of all prizes received by employees or students of the Institute for Signal Processing and Systems Theory.


AKR  Winner of the Anton & Klara Röser Award

  FdU Award Freunde der Universität Stuttgart

  RS Winner of the Rohde & Schwarz Award

VDI Winner of the VDI Study Award

VDE Winner of the VDE Study Award

Sony Winner of the Sony Graduate Award


DISS = Dissertation, STUD = Student Work, PUB = Publication



Preis: AKR Sony
Arbeit: STUD
Titel: ConvLSTM-based cell lineage analysis in optical microscopy sequences


Preis: AKR
Arbeit: DISS
Titel: Generative Adversarial Networks and Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis

Preis: AKR
Arbeit: DISS
Titel: Recording and Processing of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Electromyographic Data for Assessment of Spontaneous Neuromuscular Activities

Preis: AKR
Arbeit: STUD
Titel: ConvLSTM-based cell lineage analysis in optical microscopy sequences

Preis: Sony
Arbeit: STUD
Titel: CMGAN: Conformer-based Metric GAN for Speech Enhancement, Dereverberation and Audio Super-Resolution


Award: AKR
Work: STUD
Title: Quantifying Distribution Shift by Normalizing Flows

Award: Sony
Work: STUD
Title: Constraint-based Optimization Approach for Generalized Few-Shot Object Detection


Award: AKR
Work: STUD
Title: Few-Shot RetinaNet: Improving discriminability and transferability of meta dense detectors

Award: AKR
Work: STUD
Title: Indoor Positioning based on Active Radar Sensing and Passive Reference Points

Preis: Best Paper Award
Arbeit: PUB
Titel: Feature Selection Using Batch-Wise Attenuation and Feature Mask Normalization
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2021

Award: AKR
Work: DISS
Title: Radar Signal Processing and Sensor Fusion with Thermal Infrared for Firefighting

Award: AKR Sony FdU
Work: STUD
Title: Supervised and Unsupervised Methods for Depth Completion with Lidar Monocamera

Award: Best Paper Award
Work: PUB
Title: Deep-learning based motion-corrected image reconstruction in 4D magnetic resonance imaging of the body trunk
Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC) 2020, December 2020, Auckland, New Zealand
Award: Best Paper Award
Work: PUB
Title: On the Feasibility of Generic Deep Disaggregation for Single-Load Extraction
In the 4th International Workshop on Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM2018), March 2018, Austin, Texas, USA
Award: AKR
Work: DISS 
Title: Motion Correction of Positron Emission Tomography Data by a Magnetic Resonance Imaging derived Model.
Award: VDE
Work: STUD 
Title: Entwurf und Implementierung eines Systems zur automatischen Messdatenplausibilisierung mittels Ein-Klassen-Klassifikation
Award: Summa Cum Laude Paper Award
Work: PUB
Title: Motion correction on a human PET/MR scanner: Clinical feasibility of a motion correction system in patients – an update report
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting ISMRM 2017, April 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Award: 1st Prize Cardiac Study Group
Work: PUB
Title: MAutomated reference-free assessment of MR image quality using an active learning approach: comparison of Support Vector Machine versus Deep Neural Network classification
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting ISMRM 2017, April 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Award: AKR
Work: STUD
Title: Implementation of Cognitive Functions for High Interference-Robustness with OFDM Radar
Award: AKR
Work: STUD
Title: Optimierte Auswertung von kurzen Zeitsignalen bei der 1H Multiecho MR-Spektroskopie von Fettgewebe und fetthaltigem Gewebe
Award: AKR
Work: STUD
Title: Informationstheorie der Signalverarbeitung
Award: Best Paper Award in the Young Scientist Contest
Work: PUB
Title: A Novel OFDM-MIMO Radar with Non-equidistant Subcarrier Interleaving and Compressed Sensing
Proceedings of the International Radar Symposium IRS 2016, May 2016, Krakow, Poland
Award: Winner of a Student Challenge
Work: PUB
Title: A Novel OFDM-MIMO Radar with Non-Equidistant Dynamic Subcarrier Interleaving
Proceedings of the European Microwave Week EuMW, European Radar Conference EuRAD 2016, Oct. 2016, London, UK
Award: Magna Cum Laude Paper Award
Work: PUB
Title: Simultaneous in-vivo respiratory and cardiac motion correction system for PET/MR
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting ISMRM 2016, May 2016, Singapore
Award: AKR
Work: STUD
Title: Sparse Recovery through convex optimization for Compressed Sensing MRI
Award: AKR VDI
Work: STUD
Title: Entwicklung eines Algorithmus zur Bestimmung des Aufbaus von Leitungsnetzen durch Reflexionsmessungen
Award: AKR
Work: DISS
Title: Complex Blind Source Separation with Audio Applications
Award: AKR
Work: STUD
Title: Optimization of Direction of Arrival Estimation with a Time Division Multiplexed MIMO Radar
Award: AKR
Work: DISS
Title: Parameter Estimation with Additional Information
Award: AKR
Work: DISS
Title: Optimierung von Sendesignalen zur Vermeidung von Scheinzielen für frequenzmodulierte Dauerstrich-Radarsysteme im Automobil
Award: AKR
Work: STUD
Title: Schätzung der Atembewegung aus zeitlich aufgelösten MR-Daten zur Korrektur simultan akquirierter PET-Daten
Award: AKR
Work: STUD
Title: Active Learning
Award: AKR
Work: DISS
Title: Hochauflösende Winkelschätzung für automobile Radarsysteme
Award: received Best Paper Award
Work: PUB
Title: A Graph Theoretical Framework For Consistent Time Differences Of Arrival
ITG Fachtagung-Speech Communication, Bochum, GER, October 2010
Award: AKR
Work: STUD
Title: Algorithmus zur Epilepsiedetektion aus EEG-Signalen
Award: AKR
Work: STUD
Title: Klassifikation des Fahrstils für die Fahrerzustandserkennung
Award: RS
Work: STUD
Title: Support Vector Machine in Emotion Recognition
Award: AKR
Work: DISS
Title: Simulation und Verarbeitung von Radarziellisten im Automobil
Award: AKR
Work: DISS
Title: Lokalisierung von Sprechern durch mehrkanalige Verarbeitung akustischer Signaleimulation und Verarbeitung von Radarziellisten im Automobil
Award: AKR
Work: STUD
Title: Schätzung der Emotion und der Stimmqualität aus der Sprache mit Hilfe von "hidden Markov Modellen"
Award: AKR
Work: PUB
Title: Efficient synthesis of approximately consistent graphs for acoustic multi-source localization
Proc. IEEE ICASSP 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, vol. 4, pp. 501-504, April 2007
Award: AKR
Work: STUD
Title: Entwurf und Aufbau eines automatischen Empfangsystems für Wettersatelliten mit digitaler Signalverarbeitung
Preis: AKR
Work: STUD
Title: Emotionserkennung aus Sprachsignalen
Award: AKR
Work: STUD
Title: Robuste Verfahren zur Unterraumtrennung in der automobilen Radarsensorik
Award: AKR
Work: STUD
Title: Derivation and Implementation of Stochastic Models and Filters for Radar Target Tracking
Award: AKR
Work: STUD
Title: Lokalisierung von Sprechern im Raum
Award: AKR
Work: STUD
Title: Vergleichende Untersuchungen von Methoden zur akustischen Geräuschunterdrückung
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