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70550 Stuttgart
Investigation of Multiple-Input-Multiple-Ouput Radar Systems in automobiles
Modern automobiles are already equipped with radar systems. These systems determine the distance, the velocity and the angle of objects in the vicinity of the vehicle. Thereby comfort functions like for example Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) can be offered. ACC refers to a system, which adjusts the own speed accordingly to the preceding cars.
The radar systems are also used as security systems, e.g. they warn the driver of critical situations. Nevertheless the algorithms used are not yet reliable enough for application as a security system which is able to recognize the end of a traffic-jam, e.g. and to start full braking. Therefore the radar systems and it's signal processing have to be improved further.
My research focuses on the investigation fo Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) radar systems. I study parameter estimation, especially the estimation of the Direction of Arrival, and analyze the performance of different MIMO radar systems.
- K. Rambach
Direction of Arrival Estimation Using a Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output Radar with Applications to Automobiles
PhD thesis, University of Stuttgart, 2017 - M. Ulrich, K. Rambach and B. Yang
Direction-of-Arrival Estimation and Cramer-Rao Bound for Multi-Carrier MIMO Radar
2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Hungary, Budapest, 2016 - K. Rambach, M.Vogel and B.Yang
Optimal Time Division Multiplexing Schemes for DOA Estimation of a Moving Target Using a Colocated MIMO Radar
Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, Noida, India, 2014 - K. Rambach and M.Vogel
Verfahren zum Ermitteln einer Zeitmultiplexsequenz für ein MIMO Radar
Patentanmeldung eingereicht, 2014 - K. Rambach and B. Yang
Direction of Arrival Estimation of Two Moving Targets Using a Time Division Multiplexed Colocated MIMO Radar
Proc. IEEE Radar Conference (Radarcon), Cincinnati, USA, 2014 - K. Rambach and B. Yang
Colocated MIMO Radar: Cramer-Rao Bound and Optimal Time Division Multiplexing for DOA Estimation of Moving Targets
Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Vancouver, Canada, 2013 - K. Rambach, B. Loesch, M. Schoor und G. Kuehnle
Verfahren zum Betreiben eines MIMO Radars
Patentanmeldung eingereicht, 2013