Pfaffenwaldring 47
70550 Stuttgart
Medizinische Signalverarbeitung
- Entwicklung von Methoden zur Erfassung und automatischen Auswertung von Spontanereignissen in MRT-Bildern: In Serienaufnahmen bestimmter MRT-Aufnahmen sind Spontanereignisse der Muskulatur darstellbar. Diese Spontanereignisse werden mittels klassischer Detektions- und Segmentierungsmethoden extrahiert und ausgewertet.
- Fusionierung von bioelektrischen Signalen und MRT-Bildgebung: Die Messung von bioelektrischen Signalen simultan zur MRT-Bildgebung bedingt eine Nachverarbeitung und Filterung von Störungen, welche z. B. durch induzierte Spannungen der wechselnden Magnetfelder entstehen, sowie geeignete Detektionsverfahren von schwachen Aktionspotentialen.
M. Schwartz, P. Martirosian, G. Steidle, B. Yang, L. Schöls, M. Synofzik, F. Schick
MR imaging and analysis of spontaneous muscular activities in several body regions of
healthy subjects and patients with neuromuscular disease: preliminary results
Imaging in Neuromuscular Disease 2019, November 2019, Berlin, Germany
M. Schwartz, Y. Wilhelm, Y. Liu, P. Martirosian, B. Yang, F. Schick, S. Gatidis, T. Küstner
Deep Learning Based MR Image Quality Assessment and Artifact Localization for Application
in Clinical Practice
Proceedings of the 36th Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB 2019, October 2019, Rotterdam,
M. Schwartz, T. Küstner, P. Martirosian, J. Machann, G. Steidle, B. Yang, F. Schick
Robust Quantification of Spontaneous Muscular Activities by Simultaneous Interpretation of
sEMG Data
Proceedings of the 36th Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB 2019, October 2019, Rotterdam,
M. Schwartz, M. Reuter, B. Yang, F. Schick
Monte-Carlo Analysis for Quality Estimation of Gradient Correction Algorithms in
Simultaneous Surface EMG-MRI Measurements using Signal Synthesis and Class Probability
Proc. IEEE EMBC, July 2019, Berlin, Germany
M. Schwartz, P. Martirosian, T. Küstner, G. Steidle, T. Feiweier, B. Yang, F. Schick
Whole-Body Mapping of Spontaneous Mechanical Activities in Musculature
Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), May,
Montreal, QC, Canada, 2019.
M. Schwartz, G. Steidle, P. Martirosian, T. Küstner, J. Machann, A. Böhm, C. Weigert, B. Yang,
F. Schick
Longitudinal Analysis of Spontaneous Mechanical Activities in Resting Leg Musculature
Assessed by Diffusion-Weighted Imaging: Preliminary Results
Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), May,
Montreal, QC, Canada, 2019.
M. Schwartz, P. Martirosian, G. Steidle, M. Erb, A. Stemmer, B. Yang, F. Schick
Volumetric assessment of spontaneous mechanical activities by simultaneous multi-slice MRI
techniques with correlation to muscle fiber orientation
NMR in Biomedicine, 31(11):e3959, 2018
M. Schwartz, Z. Yipin, J. Machann, B. Yang, S. Gatidis, F. Schick, T. Küstner
Standardized whole-body adipose tissue segmentation in T1-weighted FSE
Proceedings of the ISMRM Workshop on Machine Learning, Part II 2018, October 2018,
Washington, D.C., USA
M. Schwartz, P. Martirosian, B. Yang, F. Schick
A Surface Electromyography-Driven Magnetic Resonance Sequence Controller for Real-Time
Myoelectric Triggered Imaging
IEEE EMBC, July 2018, Honolulu, USA
M. Schwartz, G. Steidle, P. Martirosian, M. Erb, B. Yang, K. Scheffler, F. Schick
Improved Spontaneous Activity Maps of Resting Skeletal Musculature by surface EMG-based
Contraction Pattern Classification
Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), June,
Paris, France, 2018.
Küstner, T., Schwartz, M., Martirosian, P., Nikolaou, K., Gatidis, S., Yang, B. & Schick, F.
Improved subsampling trajectory for reliable assessment of cardiac and respiratory motion
in 5D MRI for body motion correction
Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), June,
Paris, France, 2018.
P. Martirosian, F. Seith, R. Pohmann, M. Schwartz, T. Küstner, K. Scheffler, K. Nikolaou, F.
Measurement of Pulmonary Perfusion using PCASL True-FISP Imaging at 1.5 Tesla
Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), June,
Paris, France, 2018.
M. Fischer, M. Schwartz, B. Yang, F. Schick
Random Forest based Calf Muscle Segmentation from MR data incorporating Prior Information
Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), June,
Paris, France, 2018.
M. Schwartz, G. Steidle, P. Martirosian, A. Ramos-Murguialday, H. Preißl, A. Stemmer, B. Yang,
F. Schick
Spontaneous Mechanical and Electrical Activities of Human Calf Musculature at Rest Assessed
by Repetitive Single-Shot Diffusion-Weighted MRI and Simultaneous Surface Electromyography
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 79(5):2784-2794, 2018
T. Küstner, S. Gatidis, A. Liebgott, M. Schwartz, L. Mauch, P. Martirosian, H. Schmidt, N.
Schwenzer, K. Nikolaou, F. Bamberg, B. Yang, F. Schick
A machine-learning framework for automatic reference-free quality assessment in
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 53:134 - 147. doi:
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0730725X18302893?via%3Dihub, 2018.
M. Schwartz, G. Steidle, P. Martirosian, A. Ramos-Murguialday, H. Preißl, A. Stemmer, B. Yang,
F. Schick
Spontaneous Mechanical Activities in Healthy Human Leg Musculature Visible in DWI and their
Relation to Electrical Activities in EMG
Imaging in Neuromuscular Disease 2017, November 2017, Berlin, Germany
M. Schwartz, P. Martirosian, G. Steidle, M. Erb, B. Yang, F. Schick
Feasibility of real-time surface electromyography-triggered diffusion-weighted imaging for
prospective imaging of spontaneous unintentional focal muscular motion in human calf musculature
Proceedings of the 34th Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB 2017, October 2017, Barcelona,
T. Küstner, M. Schwartz, S. Gatidis, NF. Schwenzer, H. Schmidt, B. Yang, C. Gilliam, T. Blu, F.
Local All-Pass Filter (LAP): Efficient Optical Flow-Based Image Registration
Proceedings of the ISMRM Workshop on Motion Correction in MRI and MRS 2017, September
2017, Cape Town, South Africa.
C. Zhang, P. Martirosian, M. Schwartz, T. Küstner, F. Schick, K. Nikolaou and M. Notohamiprodjo
Evaluation of 3D Arterial Spin Labeling Technique for Perfusion Measurements of Entire
Human Kidneys using a Turbo Gradient Spin Echo Sequence
Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB 2017, October 2017, Barcelona,
M. Schwartz, G. Steidle, P. Martirosian, A. Ramos-Murguialday, A. Stemmer, B. Yang and F. Schick
Estimation of the Sensitivity Characteristics and Detection Capability of
Diffusion-Weighted MR Sequences in Imaging Spontaneous Mechanical Activity in Musculature
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting ISMRM 2017, April 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
M. Schwartz, P. Martirosian, G. Steidle, M. Erb, B. Yang and F. Schick
Assessment of Spontaneous Mechanical Activities in Musculature by Simultaneous Multi-Slice
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging and Fiber-Tractography Data Validation
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting ISMRM 2017, April 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
P. Martirosian, R. Pohmann, M. Schwartz, T. Küstner, W. Binder, C. Schraml, NF. Schwenzer, F.
Seith, K. Scheffler, K. Nikolaou and F. Schick
Measurement of lung perfusion using optimized pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling of
pulmonary arteries and fast True-FISP imaging at 3 Tesla
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting ISMRM 2017, April 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
T. Küstner, C. Würslin, M. Schwartz, H. Fayad, T. Merlin, C. Gilliam, T. Blu, P. Martirosian, K.
Nikolaou, F. Schick, B. Yang, H. Schmidt and NF. Schwenzer
Motion correction on a human PET/MR scanner: Clinical feasibility of a motion correction
system in patients – an update report
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting ISMRM 2017, April 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
S. Gatidis, A. Liebgott, M. Schwartz, P. Martirosian, F. Schick, K. Nikolaou, B. Yang and T.
Automated reference-free assessment of MR image quality using an active learning approach:
comparison of Support Vector Machine versus Deep Neural Network classification
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting ISMRM 2017, April 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
T. Küstner, P. Wolf, M. Schwartz, A. Liebgott, F. Schick, S. Gatidis and B. Yang
An easy-to-use image labeling platform for automatic Magnetic Resonance Image Quality
Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging ISBI 2017,
April 2017, Melbourne, Australia.
M. Schwartz, G. Steidle, P. Martirosian, A. Ramos-Murguialday, B. Yang and F. Schick
Spontaneous activity in sEMG in relation to signal voids in repetitive single-shot DW-MRI
of the human lower leg: Comparison of measurements under varying conditions
Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB 2016, October 2016, Vienna,
M. Schwartz, G. Steidle, P. Martirosian, B. Yang and F. Schick
Temporal and spatial characteristics of signal voids in repetitive acquisitions of the
human lower leg using spin-echo vs. stimulated echo diffusion-weighted imaging
Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB 2016, October 2016, Vienna,
P. Martirosian, R. Pohmann, C. Schraml, NF. Schwenzer, H. Schmidt, M. Schwartz, K. Scheffler, K.
Nikolaou and F. Schick
Perfusion and Transit Time Quantification in the Human Liver using Pseudo-Continuous
Arterial Spin Labeling in MR Imaging
Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB 2016, October 2016, Vienna,
M. Schwartz, T. Küstner, C. Würslin, P. Martirosian, NF. Schwenzer, F. Schick, B. Yang and H.
Image Reconstruction System for Compressed Sensing Retrospective Motion Correction for the
Application in Clinical Practice
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting ISMRM 2016, May 2016, Singapore.
M. Schwartz, G. Steidle, P. Martirosian, A. Ramos-Murguialday, B. Yang and F. Schick
Classification of signal voids in time-series of diffusion-weighted images of the lower leg
by simultaneous MRI and EMG measurements: Initial findings
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting ISMRM 2016, May 2016, Singapore.
M. Schwartz, G. Steidle, P. Martirosian, B. Yang and F. Schick
Graph-based segmentation of signal voids in time series of diffusion-weighted images of
musculature in the human lower leg
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting ISMRM 2016, May 2016, Singapore.
P. Martirosian, R. Pohmann, C. Schraml, NF. Schwenzer, H. Schmidt, M. Schwartz, K. Scheffler, K.
Nikolaou and F. Schick
Measurement of Liver Perfusion using Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling with
Background Suppression: Approaches to Separate Portal-Venous and Arterial Perfusion
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting ISMRM 2016, May 2016, Singapore.
T. Küstner, V. Neumann, M. Schwartz, C. Würslin, P. Martirosian, S. Gatidis, NF. Schwenzer, F.
Schick, B. Yang and H. Schmidt
An MR Motion Correction toolbox for registration and evaluation
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting ISMRM 2016, May 2016, Singapore.
T. Küstner, M. Schwartz, A. Kaupp, P. Martirosian, S. Gatidis, NF. Schwenzer, F. Schick, H.
Schmidt and B. Yang
An Active Learning platform for automatic MR image quality assessment
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting ISMRM 2016, May 2016, Singapore.
T. Küstner, C. Würslin, M. Schwartz, P. Martirosian, S. Gatidis, K. Nikolaou, F. Schick, B.
Yang, NF. Schwenzer and H. Schmidt
Simultaneous in-vivo respiratory and cardiac motion correction system for PET/MR
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting ISMRM 2016, May 2016, Singapore.
T. Küstner, M. Schwartz, C. Würslin, P. Martirosian, NF. Schwenzer, B. Yang and H. Schmidt
Compressed Sensing LAB: An MR acquisition and reconstruction system
Proceedings of the ISMRM Workshop on Data Sampling and Reconstruction, January 2016,
Sedona, USA.
M. Schwartz, G. Steidle, F. Fallah, P. Martirosian, H. Schmidt and F. Schick
Automated detection of signal voids in different muscle groups of the leg – A means to
analyse spontaneous muscular activity from time series of diffusion weighted MR images
Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB 2015, October 2015, Edinburgh, United